Sunday, September 02, 2007

back to schoool

today i have offically moved back into a dorm and am now living at my school. it was a hard day to leave michelle (my girl) and know that we will only see each other on certain breaks and some long weekends.

its funny going from your summer vacation back to school, where its a christian school, things are just so much different than the things that go on in the real world with how things at my work went this summer. at times i almost feel as if being stuck in the school, that i dont feel as if i am being as much as a follower of God as i should be. when i was at work this summer, i could really see how God has changed my life and how i see the world as something that is not as perminent as others believe. I thank God for the gifts he has given me, and the things he showed me this summer. But i feel as if i have slowly fallen away from God this summer, and i dont want to have this roller coster ride from school and summer vacation.

life is hard right now and im very well off compared to some ppl, but i know that i can get through it for sure.

so school has started and im really going to enjoy learing this year to help me in the long run for sure, its crazy to think that God has this great plan and that im part of it. i am scared but excited to see where my life is going for sure!!!

1 comment:

James said...

I'm laughing my butt off that you are back to blogging now that you are back at school...